Strategic Plan Posted on our Website
Board Members gathered this summer to complete a strategic plan
This summer the Board and staff of the Coalition put together a plan for the next four years. They gathered surveys from homeless people, advocates and members of the Coalition to develop priorities. It was decided not to change the mission of the Coalition, and we set out some values for the Coalition to guide our planning. Finally and most importantly, we set down five strategic objectives. All of these are published on our website here. Internally now staff will use these broad concepts to come up with specific goals for the agency. We will figure out a way to accomplish these five strategic objectives.
Strategic Objectives
- To provide strong governance in order to remain relevant, vibrant and stable.
- To improve and expand the funding sources in order to sustain and expand current operations.
- To advocate at the local, state and federal level while mobilizing people experiencing homelessness to achieve improvement in the community by preventing homelessness, reducing the time a household is without housing and ending homelessness.
- To become the premier organization in the State of Ohio working to protect, preserve, and expand the civil rights of people experiencing homelessness.
- To provide a venue for activists, social service providers and homeless people to organize and mobilize groups to support the NEOCH policy agenda, improve community understanding of homelessness, and expand the safety net services to homeless people, particularly with respect to woman with young children.
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