High Praise From Vendor for Shelter

Grapevine, and NEOCH

Commentary by Marguerite Perdue

      I would like to start this article off by giving a very special thanks to the staff members that keep The Homeless Grapevine alive and going out to us and our customers. I would especially like to thank Brian Davis, the most outstanding director of the Coalition for the Homeless. If it wasn't for him speaking out for the homeless, a whole lot of things that go on in the homeless community and happen to homeless people would never be heard about by the larger public. Now, let's get to the real issues of this article:

      Due to the fact that I was diagnosed with glaucoma, I am now legally blind. That has not, and will not stop me from writing articles for The Homeless Grapevine. I've been a vendor for several years, and it has helped me in more ways than I could ever explain or express. I've done several articles that have reached a whole lot of individuals who may never have even thought about what it's like to be homeless. 

      The saying is true that you can have everything one day, and nothing the next. So don't think that it can't happen to you... just never say never. I trust totally in God and He has made a way out of “no way” for me on several occasions. The Homeless Grapevine has been there for me throughout my different living situations while homeless and managing my disability. I thank God all day, every day for the breath that He allows me to breathe and helping me succeed in doing what I need to do.

      Always remember that knowledge is wisdom. That's why it's necessary to look, listen, and observe, so you don't miss the miracle that God has in store for you. I'm currently residing in a shelter, for which I am truly blessed and grateful. It's the closest I've felt to having a home since I relocated back to Cleveland from Atlanta. 

      The skilled, professional staff of this facility are by far the most caring and passionate individuals. They are honestly and wholeheartedly dedicated to what they do, and how they do it, and I greatly appreciate that, and their help. I want to thank the staff of this shelter for providing me with whatever I've needed. God bless you all. This past year, I've experienced some trials and tribulations that I thought I couldn't endure; but the things that have happened to me have just made me wiser and stronger. It has also brought me and my two sons closer than we've ever been, and I just want to say, I love you Mark Anthony Perdue, and Carlos Antonio Perdue.

      Last, but not least, I'd like to thank the rest of the NEOCH staff for their help and support, which would include my housing advocate, Mr. Gregory Reaves. God bless all of you. You all provide great services at NEOCH, keep up the good work!

Copyright Homeless Grapevine Issue 75 March-April 2006 Cleveland, Ohio.




Chris Knestrick