We're launching a mutual aid fund. Ask us why.
Why is mutual aid important?
Mutual aid provides rapid response assistance to people who desperately need it, without relying on large systems that can be slow to respond. It empowers individuals and small groups to take responsibility for one another’s safety and well-being. It affirms the dignity and expertise of those most directly affected by the problems facing our society, and provides them with the tools they need to solve those problems.
How is mutual aid different from charity?
Mutual aid groups often use the mantra, “solidarity, not charity.” This means that rather than top-down solutions which consolidate power, wealth, and privilege, mutual aid seeks to grow people power, from the grassroots.
Why does NEOCH believe in mutual aid?
We believe in radically loving our people, uplifting their voices, and responding directly to their needs. Most of the NEOCH team comes from a working class or working poor background. We know from lived experience that waiting for large scale solutions leads to people being left behind, particularly poor people of color. We believe our organization is uniquely positioned to get resources into the hands of amazing human beings doing transformative work in our community, who may not have access to fundraising capabilities. Those resources include staff time, shared infrastructure, and funds.
Those funds will be dispersed in small increments, up to $500, to people organizing mutual aid projects. Organizers can fill out a short form, let us know how they aim to aid their community, and get a response back from us within 48 hours. That form can be found here.
To make it possible for more mutual aid work to be done in northeast Ohio, you can donate to NEOCH’s emergency response fund here.