NEOCH Against New Cleveland Catholic Diocese’s Policies
Photo is free stock image and is not one of the Cleveland Catholic Diocese Churches.
Correction to clarify context to Adam Bird quote 9/22/2023
In the last week, the Cleveland Catholic Diocese released a heartbreaking new policy against the LGBTQ+ community. We at NEOCH were horrified at the details of this new policy, especially its impact on our queer Cleveland students and youth. We at NEOCH are not only concerned but firmly oppose such a policy due to its detrimental effects on our local queer students and youth.
Furthermore, by marginalizing young LGBTQ+ people, it risks exacerbating the already dire issue of homelessness and suicide within this demographic, as they remain one of the most disproportionately represented groups experiencing homelessness. It’s paramount to acknowledge the damaging impacts of such resolutions and to advocate relentlessly for a more inclusive and empathetic community
The policy, which you can read here, regards students’ gender expression, within the church’s parishes and schools. Now this policy will impact over 80 schools around Northeast Ohio and those students. Many of these families may not have the option to change schools away from the Catholic Diocese influence. Now students will be forcefully outed or closeted to remain safe inside school and in their homes. This policy will have a detrimental impact on students’ mental health and safety.
Policy provisions include:
Students must act and dress as their “God-given biological sex”
No gender transitioning or ability to use gender-affirming care while in the schools.
No one can "advocate or celebrate" LGBTQ+ community, including displaying the pride flag or rainbows.
No same-sex couples at dances or "similar events." Schools will use discretion to allow a "platonic friend" to attend a dance.
No preferred pronoun usage other than the sex assigned at birth
Each individual must use the bathroom or "facilities" that corresponds with their sex assigned at birth.
If a school is a single-sex school, trans children who are now that gender are not allowed to attend.
Only single-sex sports teams, except girls can join boys' teams "when deemed appropriate."
There will also be a parental notification if a child is questioning their gender.
“LGBTQ young people are not inherently prone to increased suicide risk because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity, but rather they are placed at higher risk because of the mistreatment and stigmatization that they experience in society,” said Ronita Rath, the Trevor Project’s vice president of research.” (Quote from about how anti-LGBTQ+ policies impact queer youth linked below.)
Adam Bird, an Ohio state representative and lawmaker, has a background of anti-trans lawmaking. He introduced a bill requiring trans children to use the bathroom with their sex assigned at birth. His quote is his response to the Cleveland Catholic Diocese’s policy addressing current, “societal trends.”
His full quote is: “They're [the Diocese are] trying to promote traditional family values, and same-sex couples at a dance does not represent family values... I want to help solve the problem that's come from the confusion that's being created from those who are part of this 'trans cult,'" He adds that public schools are becoming “too progressive” and policies like these are a good incentive to the EdChoice voucher system. For more context to this quote please read here
Bird says this in the meantime knowing about the EdChoice voucher system that takes public school dollars and gives them to families to spend on private schools. Thanks to the state's latest budget, any family in Ohio can get at least some of their child's private education paid for. This means that the state would be funding these hurtful types of policies and violent, misinformed rhetoric. This also disproportionately hurts families who depend on the state funding to pay for their student’s education who also do not have the money to switch schools for their children’s safety.
Yanni Randall (she/her), NEOCH’s Outreach Specialist for the HOPWA, says, “This is an absolute tragedy for the LGBTQIA+ youth who seek love and acceptance and love from a Catholic community, denying these children fair and equal treatment because of their biases towards gender and sexuality could lead to a higher rate of suicides amongst LGBTQIA+ youth, pushing a trans person use a bathroom that they don't identify with causes more harm than good that could potentially lead to more severe and unwanted attention...
Calling our community a "cult" is by far the most disturbing misinformed and transphobic thing I've ever heard!”
So, what can you do to help? It is important to now be active in fighting back against the Cleveland Catholic Diocese.
YOU can:
Write to your local elected officials and use your voice to amplify the harm that these policies will bring to the LGBTQ+ individuals in our community
View the template that LGBT Cleveland has created here
Donate to local LGBTQ+ organizations to strengthen their ability to continue providing resources from the abhorrent policies from the Catholic Diocese
Join the conversation around policies like these and educate yourself and those around you
Keep your eyes out for what current politicians are saying and doing for when voting season comes soon. Make sure you vote accordingly
Let's make a safer and brighter future for our Cleveland LGBTQ+ community! Follow the links below to learn more about this policy, its impact, and how you can help.