NEOCH Annual Meeting is Thursday
Peter Schindler standing next to Cavs Player Iman Shumpert
Michelle Russell receives an award from the Marcia Bufford (orange top) at a previous annual meetingNEOCH will have the opportunity to highlight some successes and accomplishments of the past year. In so doing, we will recognize this year’s Most Valuable Partner, Peter Schindler, of the Community West Foundation for his talent, initiative, care, and support of homeless people. We are forever indebted to Peter for his drive, advice, and his compassion for homeless people. He has been particularly instrumental to the SocksPlus campaign and the Outreach Worker Training Program, two of this year’s highlights, and has facilitated NEOCH’s positive image in the media over the past year. Here is the full press release. There is still space to attend. Please call to reserve your spot.
Brian Davis
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