Update on the Housing Trust Fund

Good Afternoon Advocates!

The outpouring of support for saving the Trust Fund has been phenomenal! We are getting reports of hundreds of phone calls, letters and emails going out to dozens of members of the General Assembly. Teams of people have been working the issue around the state and nearly around the clock! As a result, nearly 500 organizations have signed the VETO REQUEST LETTER we plan to give the Governor, should that become necessary. Please make sure your organization signs, and forward this to your networks, if you haven’t already done so.

The Trust Fund issue could be decided on in conference committee as early as sometime tomorrow, so please continue making calls to your House and Senate members urging them to them to support the House version of the Housing Trust Fund language – not the Senate version -- while the budget bill is in conference committee.

We are closely monitoring progress at the Statehouse and will get the word to you as soon as we know the Trust Fund’s status. We will be ready to hand-deliver the Veto Request to the Governor’s office if needed.

Here is a terrific recent editorial from the Akron Beacon Journal. Please push this out through your social media using the Twitter hashtags #DontBustTheTrust and/or #SaveOHTF and please RT and Favorite other Trust Fund supporters!

Thanks to all and let’s keep it going.

Cathy Johnston
Advocacy Director
614-280-1984 X25
cathyjohnston (at) cohhio (dot) org