Upcoming Events for NEOCH
Hand Up Gala 2014The Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless has a number of events coming up in the future. We hope that you can participate in a number of things going forward.
Socks Plus Benefit
March 20 at 5 p.m. at the 78th St. Studio north of Detroit Ave. on the West Side Cleveland. This will feature poetry and Lydia Bailey's photgraphy. This was organized by the Community West Foundation and the proceeds will go to the Socks Plus campaign which has delivered boots, socks and winter clothing to hundreds in Cleveland. We were able to help people into housing and convince people to come inside during the extreme cold.
Housing 101
March 20 workshop is full so we have scheduled another one on May 15, 2015. Same speakers and same price. Similar materials and same time with 3 social work CEUs courtesy of the ADAMHS Board. We have a page here to print out the flyer to reserve your spot. We must receive payment in order to secure your place at this workshop. It is a chance to learn more about homelessness and housing in the community.
PSH/Outreach Teach In
March 26 at 6 p.m. at Winton on Lorain, we are having another forum on the importance of outreach to get people into housing. We will also spotlight these beautiful buildings in our community. We ask that you RSVP so we know how many packets to prepare. Here are more details.
NEOCH Annual Meeting
April 1, 2015 is the NEOCH Annual meeting. It is a time to look back at 2014 and give out awards for outstanding service to the homeless community. There will be light meal and we will issue our annual report. Again, we ask that you reserve a space at 216-432-0540.
Conflict Resolution/Mediation Training
NEOCH is partnering with the Cleveland Mediation Center to teach outreach teams, homeless people and others how to de-escalate and resolve conflicts peacefully. This training is funded by the Community West Foundation and there are only 8 spaces left for this training which begins in April 9, 2015. We need you to RSVP for this event.
Brian Davis
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