Fair Housing Training Coming Up

One of the last pieces of Civil Rights legislation to pass was the Fair Housing Act.  It has been expanded and renewed since the 1970s and protects renters from discrimination.  We will have a one hour training on the Act on May 15, 2015 at 10 a.m. We are hoping to have thirty people searching for housing at the event.  Those 30 people will receive a bus pass to attend.   Staff of homeless service providers would also benefit from attending this training.

The forum will last one hour and will start at 10 a.m. on May 15 at the Cosgrove Center in Cleveland.  There will be time to answer questions and learn how to resolve problems with landlords.  This will teach people how to recognize fair housing violations and where to go for help.  Anyone is welcome to attend. We will also try to answer a few general questions about the housing that is available in Cleveland.  

Thanks to Darlene from the Housing Research and Advocacy Center for assisting with this forum. 

Brian Davis

Posts reflect the opinion of those who sign the entry.

Chris Knestrick