Interesting Story from the Postcard Campaign

We have been placing these post cards around town to raise awareness and dispel some of the myths about homelessness.   Nearly all of the photos on the front were by photographer David Hagan who did portraits of homeless people back in 2004.  I have heard some interesting comments back from the distribution of these postcards.  First, after only a decade, many of the people on the front have died.  Four out of the twelve on the front have passed away, which shows how difficult homelessness can be on a person's health.   We know that at least one person fell back into homelessness from the front after years of being housed. 

One individual from the front took a number of the postcards home on the RTA.  "L" really liked the post card and was reading it on the bus.  A woman said, "Hey, can I see that post card."  L said, "Do you recognize anyone on the post card," thinking she would recognize him.  She said, "Yes, I am on the post card."  It turns out she was one of the young kids on the postcard now in her 20s ten years later.  L was blown away that there were two people on the bus who had been part of the 2004-2005 photo exhibit. 

Post cards are available at the NEOCH offices and we hope to drop them around town. 

Brian Davis

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