Added A Few Stats to the Website

We have posted the 2013 statistics from the shelters.  These statistics show 8,300 people used the shelters in 2013 (Oct. 2012 to September 2013).   There were 6,000 single adults and 646 families who used the shelters in Cuyahoga County.   The average stay in an emergency shelter for a single adult is 18 days and for a family nearly 60 days.   69% of the shelter population leave the emergency shelter with some income (including non-cash income).   While only 15% of the single adults leaving the shelter have earned income.   Single individuals leave the shelter with 67% of the population go to a permanent destination. It is interesting that about 45% of the sheltered homeless have not experienced homelessness in the past. 

Some of the statistics that we did not include are the first quarter stats for the shelters from October to December 2013.  The most frightening stat was that the emergency shelters operated at 120% of their capacity for single adults.  This means for most of the first part of the winter, we were operating overflow beds in the community.  Average stays for singles but has decreased in the first quarter, but the family population number of days spent in the shelters has increased.  These numbers do not give the definitive number of homeless people, but they give a good idea on trends and some demographic information.

We also updated the poorest city list for poverty in the United States. We have the top 100 poorest cities according to the US Census from 2012.  It is interesting seeing how some of the largest cities in the United States either have a large number of super rich people to offset the number of poverty people or are doing a good job in keeping down poverty.  It is interesting to see how many of the Midwestern cities are stuggling with poverty in the United States. 

Remember, that you can follow us on Twitter.  We are up to 25 followers.  We are clevhomeless on Twitter.  Gino is regularly updating our twitter feed.



Brian Davis

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