Larry Davis Completes Service: Joins Board
Photo by Norman WolfLarry Davis has worked as the NEOCH volunteer coordinator for the past eight years. Here he is pictured preaching to guests at the 2012 Annual Meeting on March 20, 2013. He has set up the Annual Blanket Drive and coordinated transportation issues for the Annual Homeless Stand Down. He has scheduled volunteers to work here at NEOCH and the Street Voices speakers.
Larry did a ton of work on voting last year transporting 220 people over to the Board of Elections to vote. He was also a precinct captain on Election Day. In his private life he volunteers with the Alliance of Cleveland HUD Tenants as well as serving as a Deacon in his church. Larry has always been willing to step up to help low income people find housing and maintain that housing. At first, he started at NEOCH as a volunteer but coming in nearly every day. Then he was hired as a VISTA member for two years. After successfully completing the VISTA program, he took a position with Mature Services at the Cleveland Tenants Organization as a tenant organizer. Finally, he finished his working career at NEOCH all the time remaining a volunteer here at NEOCH. Now, he has a job driving for an organization serving disabled children. During his tenure at NEOCH Larry married his wife, Cathy. Larry is a veteran of the US Navy and has a tremendous understanding of the Landlord Tenant Law. He is one of the best advocates for a tenant when trying to balance the power dynamic with a landlord.
We recognized his years of service at the NEOCH Annual Meeting. We recognized all the time and talent he has donated to very low income and homeless people. Those in attendance congratulated him for all that he has accomplished over the years. After the meeting, the board voted to have Larry join the NEOCH Board so that he can continue to serve.
Brian Davis
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