NEOCH Now Has an Updated Facebook Page
Just as Facebook is beginning to wane in our society, NEOCH has jumped in to reinvigorate our Facebook page. We are now regularly updating our Facebook page which we have selected Clevelandhomeless as a somewhat convenient way to find us. We hope to keep our members updated on the latest news and events with the organization. The page is updated regularly with the latest blog posts on what’s going on in Cleveland. We also add excerpts from The Cleveland Street Chronicle as well as many recent photos, upcoming events, and a variety of other interesting content. Be sure to “like” our page so you can stay up to date!
FACEBOOKFacebook is hard to search and even more difficult to tell people where to find our organization on the site. Thanks to our intern, Kim, we have a vibrant and updated page with short bursts of information that you can easily keep up to date on the issues in the homeless community in Cleveland. There is already a NEO CH Facebook page, there are pages referring to NEOCH on a few staff Facebook pages, and there is even a already on Facebook. It is very difficult to tell people how to get to your specific site for an organization on Facebook, but we are trying to navigate this social networking phenomenon, which still seems like it was constructed at 2 a.m. in a dorm room. We have placed a stern looking statue as our Facebook icon on our website. Just click on that icon with the words FACEBOOK and it will take you directly to our new page.
The new Facebook page is another way we are trying to educate people on homelessness. As one formerly homeless person said, “Homelessness doesn’t go away because you’re not looking. The problem is still there”. The more people know about the problem, the more we can do to solve it. It is our hope that Facebook will be a great platform to achieve this goal and help eradicate ignorance and prejudice in modern society if people will be able to find our page. Remember to “like” our Facebook page and help us dispel some of the myths regarding homelessness.
To find our page on Facebook, be sure to type Clevelandhomeless as one word and click on the result WITHOUT the “.org”. We want to get to 50 “likes” by the end of the month.