Next Week Monthly Affordable Housing Meeting

One of the most fragile groups because of the Sequestration and the fact that regular federal budgets are not passed is the public housing authorities around the United States.  We worry about how the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority in Cleveland is surviving with the unstable funding from the federal government.  They have taken hit after hit and forced to rely on reserves that have dwindled over the last five years to house the thousands of people waiting for affordable housing locally.  They have done everything they can to avoid evictions as a result of budget cuts, but it is a huge juggling act.  This next Cuyahoga Affordable Housing Alliance meeting is Monday December 2, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. in the lower level of the US Bank Building (1350 Euclid Ave. ) and will feature both sides of the CMHA programs.

We will feature Scott Pollock CMHA Public Housing to present his periodic look at the Housing Authority at the Monday CAHA meeting.  Pollock will update us on development activities, waiting list numbers, federal budget issues, and current demographics of those housed.  Priscilla Pointer Hicks of the Housing Choice Voucher Program will provide a periodic update on the Voucher Program including occupancy rates, waiting list, turnovers and the saturation into the suburbs.  Pointer Hicks will talk about federal budget projections and the impact on the local agency, and any trends with the voucher program. Finally, Ken Williamson of Senator Sherrod Brown’s office will take a few minutes to discuss the move of the Multifamily HUD unit to Detroit.  The Senator's office has done some work on this issue and would like to report.

All are welcome to attend to hear more about the Housing Authority. 

Brian Davis

Posts reflect the opinion of those who sign the entry.

Chris KnestrickCAHA, CMHA, HUD