Upcoming Events

Cuyahoga Affordable Housing Alliance Meeting

On Monday July 9 at 1:30 p.m. the Cuyahoga Affordable Housing Alliance meets at the US Bank/HUD offices at 1350 Euclid Ave. in Downtown Cleveland.  This meeting is a way to educate the public, housing providers and government about new programs or new resources in the community.  The group works to protect and preserve affordable housing locally.  This months meeting will feature representatives from the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority including the CEO Jeffrey Patterson.   We will also hear a presentation from the Cuyahoga Land Bank and all that is going on with that organization as they lead the effort to recover from the foreclosure tsunami.   There is surface parking all around the area.

OHS Meeting was cancelled for July 11

The Office of Homeless Services meets every other month on the second Wednesday of the month.  The meeting next week was cancelled because the county is hosting a cryptic meeting at Visiting Nurses Association. 

Community Briefing on “Pay for Success” &
Conversation on Priority Setting for
Health and Human Services
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 9am - 12pm
Please register online at
For more information call 216 987-7010
Please join us for a community conversation on setting human service priorities and a briefing on “Pay for Success”, a non-traditional funding formula and performance-based contracting partnership.

I have no idea what any of that means, but the County Health and Human Services is inviting the community to this briefing.

Homeless Congress Meeting

The Homeless Congress will meet on July 12 at 1:00 p.m. at the Bishop Cosgrove Center.  We will have a presentation about Central Intake and the changes with the entry shelters in Cleveland at the meeting.

National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference

The NAEH conference is in Washington DC between July 16 and July 18.  This is a very good conference if you work at a homeless service provider especially at a Permanent Supportive Housing Agency, youth program, or diversion/central intake facility.  If you are a homeless advocate, homeless person, or social justice champion, it is not the best place for you.   For the social justice types, you might want to avoid this conference.  You will be dissatisfied and angry at the end of each day. 

Community Service Alliance Fundraiser.

July 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. is a yard sale for the Procops Transitional Housing Facility.  Support employment programs that target homeless people by attending this fund raiser.  Go to their website for more information.

Legal Aid Clinic

August 14, 2012 at the Veterans Service Commission on Prospect at 3:30 p.m. lawyers from Legal Aid will be present to assist veterans with their legal issues.  Any low income veteran is welcome to attend to get help.